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责编: | 发布日期:2011-11-07 | 阅读次数:
目: Fuel Cells, Energy Storage, and Solar Hydrogen: Toward a Safe, Clean, and Sustainable Energy Future
Fuel cells coupled with solar hydrogen represent a safe, clean and sustainable energy system that can help significantly alleviate or eliminate the energy supply and CO2 problem. For our fuel cell efforts, we have been focusing on developing catalyst and membrane materials that will help to solve the cost and durability problems, the two most significant commercialization barriers for fuel cells. In this presentation, I will mostly focus on our recent work on hydroxide exchange membrane (HEMs). HEMs, when used in fuel cells (HEMFCs), allow the platinum catalysts to be replaced by non-platinum-group-metals such as nickel and silver while the expensive fluorinated Nafion membrane substituted by a hydrocarbon membrane, thus drastically reducing the cost of fuel cells and making them potentially economically viable. HEMs can also be used in electrolyzers or flow batteries for large scale solar/wind electricity storage and for solar hydrogen generation.
严玉山教授, 国际著名的分子筛膜和燃料电池专家。1988年中国科学技术大学本科毕业,1997年于美国加州理工学院获得博士学位。1998年进入加州大学河滨分校担任助理教授,2005年晋升为正教授,2008年担任化学与环境工程系系主任。2008年当选为美国科学促进会会士 (AAAS Fellow) 20119月起任特拉华大学化学工程系杰出教授。
严玉山教授的研究领域包括分子筛薄膜在半导体工业及航空领域的应用,经济和长使用寿命燃料电池新材料的开发和应用。在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., JACS, Adv. Mater., Nano Lett. 等学术杂志共发表论文120多篇,研究工作被广泛引用 (h-index: 40),并被包括New Scientist, Business Week, C&EN News, Materials Today, China Press (newspaper), Chinese Daily News (newspaper), CNBC, CNN.com, KABC, VOA在内的主流媒体关注和报道。